Blog - Metro Eye - Latest News, Eye Care Info & Special Events

Halloween Makeup Safety Tips

Celebrating Halloween with costume makeup, facial prosthetics or special effects contacts this week? Check out our safety tips below to have fun with festive face adornment without compromising your eye health! Makeup & Prosthetics It’s very important to check your makeup ingredients for harmful chemicals! Also, sharing or using old Read more...
blinking cat

A Blink is More Than You Think!

We blink substantially less often while looking at digital screens. As our pandemic lifestyles increasingly rely on computer use, we are now blinking less than ever… Why is blinking important? Every blink of your eye naturally activates the meibomian glands, which maintain healthy tear film and help to prevent dry eye Read more…

Vision Correction While You Sleep

What is CRT? Corneal Refractive Therapy (CRT) is a method of nonsurgical vision correction that is increasingly popular among patients who prefer not to wear daytime glasses and contacts. How Does It Work? The CRT procedure is an attractive alternative to laser eye surgery as it is noninvasive, reversible and Read more...

Reduce Your Allergy Symptoms This Season

Allergy season can be unpleasant, as most of us don’t look forward to the sneezing, coughing, itchy irritated eyes, runny nose and itchy throat that typically come with it. If you are an allergy sufferer, check out our tips below for successful symptom reduction and prevention this season!  Reduce Symptoms Remove allergens Read more…

back to school

Back to School- Adapting to Learn + Learning to Adapt

'Back to School' used to be quite a literal phrase, however this fall in the US its scope of meaning is very broad. Teachers, school support staff, students and their families are attempting to adapt to the unusual school year ahead- whether it be virtual, in-person, limited....or a combination of Read more...
Torre Froehlich

Meet Torre Froehlich – Optical Stylist

Torre Froehlich began her optical career in 2012, when an opportunity to work in optics presented itself and ignited with a fascination that had begun at childhood. Galvanized by her enriching interactions with clients and propelled by her mission to exceed their expectations, Torre gracefully embraces the challenge of accommodating Read more...

Masks: Safety & Style

Why Masks? Masks have played a role in human society since around 7000 BC, for both practical and aesthetic purposes ranging from protection to entertainment. Simply put: a mask is an object that’s usually worn one’s face to disguise or decorate their appearance, suit them for participation in ceremonies or Read more...

Time For Your Eye Exam?

As these past few weeks have certainly taken an unexpected turn, you may have put off your comprehensive eye exam due to COVID-19 concerns! If you are now overdue for your next eye care visit, we wish to offer you a safe in-office appointment so that Dr. Amy Jankowski can Read more…


In-Person Services Resume May 4th

As an essential healthcare provider, Metro Eye will reopen on May 4th to accommodate patients who require in-person eye care or eyewear services. All visits to our office will be by appointment only, in order to diligently comply with all of the latest CDC health protocols relating to COVID-19. New Read more...

Metro Eye’s Telehealth Clinic – Eye Care at Home

Metro Eye offers complete eye care services through our TELEHEALTH CLINIC To encourage social distancing due to COVID-19, we welcome patients to utilize our Telehealth Clinic safely from home.   TELEMEDICINE- Eye Care from Your Eye Doctor Care for red/pink eye, red eyelid, stye, irritation & injury Vision consultations Home Read more...