Adults Archives – Page 8 of 8 – Metro Eye

Category Archives: Adults

Nutrition and Lifestyle Choices for Healthy Eyes

Preventing eye disease is one of the top ways to maintain good vision and eye comfort.  And while some eye diseases are unavoidable, others can be prevented, slowed, or suppressed simply by making good lifestyle and diet choices.  For example, Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Dry Eye Syndrome, Cataracts, and Eye Lid Read more…

What Is Astigmatism?

Astigmatism is a type of refractive error of the eye. Refractive errors cause blurred vision and are the most common reason why a person goes to see an eye professional. Other types of refractive errors are: Farsightedness Nearsightedness Causes, incidence, and risk factors People are able to see because the Read more…

Halloween Eye Safety Tips

See and be seen on Halloween!   Eye Safety Tips for you and your goblins:  Avoid masks or costumes that obscure vision  When using makeup, remember to: – Use only products approved for use on the skin – Keep products away from the eyes – Use care in removing the product to Read more…

Halloween Safety Awareness Month

From The Dr’s. Desk As hard as it is to believe, fall is already upon us! The leaves are changing and the local stores are filling their shelves with candy and spooky decorations. It’s time to visit the pumpkin farm with the kids and decide on the perfect costume to Read more…

Halloween Eye Care

Growing up I was not a big fan of Halloween, because we lived on a farm outside of town, trick or treating wasn’t nearly as much fun. In order to gather up all the Halloween goodies mom had to DRIVE us to the neighbors’ houses, this wasn’t as cool for a teenager as walking Read more…

"Eye Twitching and Eyelid Twitches"

Have you ever had an annoying eyelid twitch? Episodes of eye twitching (really, it’s the eyelid that twitches) are common. These twitches generally are harmless and are not a sign of an eye problem or medical condition. Usually only the bottom lid of one eye is involved, but the top Read more…

Eight Ways To Protect Your Eyesight

Protecting your eyesight is one of the most important things you can do  to maintain your quality of life. These eight tips will help you  safeguard your precious gift of sight:         Know your risk for eye problems. Do you or any of your family suffer from diabetes or have a Read more…

Ask Your Optometrist: What Is Pink Eye?

The term ‘pink eye’ generally refers to inflammation of the thin,  transparent area covering the whites of the eyes (the conjunctiva).   Blood  vessels become enlarged, leading to the red appearance of the eye.  This inflammation is called conjunctivitis.  Conjunctivitis can have many causes, including viruses, bacteria, and allergies.  If you think Read more…