Ask Your Optometrist: What Is Pink Eye?

The term ‘pink eye’ generally refers to inflammation of the thin,  transparent area covering the whites of the eyes (the conjunctiva).   Blood  vessels become enlarged, leading to the red appearance of the eye.  This inflammation is called conjunctivitis.  Conjunctivitis can have many causes, including viruses, bacteria, and allergies.  If you think you have pink eye, keep these  important points in mind:

  • See your eye doctor immediately in order to be properly diagnosed;  different forms of conjunctivitis require very different methods of treatment
  • Stop wearing your contact lenses until you see your doctor; contacts may exacerbate an infection
  • Try not to touch your eyes
  • Wash hands thoroughly and often
  • Certain forms of conjunctivitis can be contagious and may even require time away from work or school
  • Wash linens, like towels and bedding, along with household surfaces in order to keep any pathogens from spreading
  • Replace any make-up that may have been used during the time of infection; do not share make-up

Don’t fight pink eye alone!  Your eye care specialist can help you properly combat this irritating condition.