Winter Sports Eye Protection

Winter sports season is here; with the popularity of snowboarding and skiing in Wisconsin eye injuries are common. One reason is the glare from the snow can make it very difficult to see where you’re headed.

According to Vision Service Plans;

The surface of our eyes often become irritated by harsh winds, and snow sport enthusiasts should protect their eyes using properly fitted, sports-rated eyewear that filters out 100% of UV light. Those of us who need prescription lenses can benefit from prescription goggles. In either case, some of the risks of not protecting your eyes include keratitis (inflammation of the cornea), conjunctivitis, and retina damage, not to mention direct injury to the eye.

It’s a natural tendency to think the sun is less intense during the winter months, but the truth is the winter sun sits lower in the sky and exposure can actually increase. Winter is time where polarized sunglasses can really help cut down the blinding glare that we catch off the bright white snow.

So whether you’re hitting the slopes this season or just playing in the snow remember to protect your eyes.

Source- Vision Service Plans