“The Sneak Thief of Sight” – Glaucoma Awareness Month

Glaucoma can take 40 percent of your vision without you noticing any difference. Glaucoma primarily affects the elderly and middle-aged individuals. Those at highest risk are people over the age of 60, diabetics and the severely nearsighted.

Currently there are 2.7 million people in the U.S., over the age of 40, that have glaucoma. According to the National Eye Institute, we’ll see a 58 percent increase by 2030, reaching 4.3 million people with Glaucoma.

The most effective way to protect against glaucoma is to get an annual comprehensive eye examination. If glaucoma is detected early enough, eye drops or surgery can slowdown and even stop vision loss.

No matter your age, sex, race and how unlikely you think your chances are, don’t take this disease lightly. Schedule and eye exam and spread the word. Don’t allow glaucoma to sneak up on you, or your loved ones.

Contact us at (414) 727-5888 to schedule a comprehensive eye exam today.