Why do we have eyelashes? Eyelashes perform a group of important functions, although they are quite simply just short hairs that grow along the edges of our eyelids. They not only protect our eyes from potential injury and infection by keeping out particles of dust and debris, but also provide Read more…
Has it been a while since your last eye exam? With the new year, it might be time to consider an appointment to make sure your vision hasn’t changed and that your eyes are healthy. Your eye exam is more than just checking on the state of your vision and Read more…
It is that time of year again, when allergies wreak havoc on our eyes. If you have noticed redness and irritation of your eyes, accompanied by itchy and watery sensations, there is a chance that you are experiencing ocular allergies. On the other hand, it might be dry eye syndrome, a reaction to your contacts or Read more…
We all want healthy eyes but you’d be surprised how much we unintentionally harm them. There are plenty of things that we do to our eyes which can cause infections and injury. Here are some everyday bad habits that can damage your eyes. Touching and rubbing your eyes Rubbing your eyes Read more…