Eye Care Archives – Page 3 of 15 – Metro Eye

Category Archives: Eye Care

Marijuana & Glaucoma- Treatment Or Trouble?

What is glaucoma? The optic nerve enables sight by carrying visual information from one’s eye to their brain, where the data is then interpreted in the form of images. Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve, often due to an abnormally high pressure (IOP) in Read more...
Artful Vision- Perceptual Impairments of Master Painters

Artful Vision- Perceptual Impairments of Master Painters

Painting is a form of visual communication, which artists employ to represent phenomena, explore narratives, convey emotions and evoke responses within their viewers. Artists, or “visual scientists” as neurobiologist Margaret Stratford Livingstone PhD prefers to call them, essentially use visual language to translate their perceptions into illusory physical objects. Visual Read more...

Diabetic Vision Loss: Keep the Facts in Sight

Diabetes is a rapidly growing global health issue, and over 9% of Americans have diabetes while about 1.5 million more are diagnosed every year. As you may already be familiar with some of the heightened health risks associated with diabetes, such as cardiovascular disease and neuropathy, it is extremely important Read more...

New School Year, New Outlook

The start of a new school year can be quite an adjustment for any young scholar, and visual impairments commonly go unnoticed amidst all of the excitement that comes along with turning over a new educational leaf. As our eyesight may gradually change over time, children and teens may not notice subtle shifts in Read more...

Fight Seasonal Allergies Without Medication

Warm weather months bring many unpleasant sensations for seasonal allergy sufferers, such as sneezing, coughing, itchy red eyes, irritated or watery eyes, itchy and runny nose and throat. Surprisingly, the best way to battle the bothersome symptoms of seasonal allergies is to reduce your allergen exposure from early spring until late fall. How can we Read more...

Protect Your Child from Myopia

What is myopia? Resulting in poor distance vision or “nearsightedness,” myopia occurs when the eyeball grows longer than it should or has a cornea that is too curved. Although moderate cases of myopia are not typically worrisome, progressive myopia is a rising concern as it can lead to serious eye Read more...

Protect Your Vision With a Healthy Lifestyle

As the demands and responsibilities of modern life increase, and technology decreases the necessity of physical activity, it can certainly become difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Studies continue to prove the countless benefits of living healthfully and actively with a nutritious diet, and preservation of one's visual health is Read more...

Setting Our Sights on Charitable Vision Care

Interested in making a positive difference in the community? Metro Eye is now matching local charitable contributions to support ocular health throughout the Milwaukee area. Every time you make a donation to any of the local non-profit organizations listed below, Metro Eye will match the same amount in donated vision services to the community! Vision Read more...

Computer Vision Syndrome: Prevention and Reduction

When we discuss protecting our eyes at work, we often think of the workers who are exposed to debris, chemicals, wood chips, metal fragments, etc. These individuals require specific eye protection, such as safety glasses or goggles, to keep their eyes safe from injury while on the job. However, in Read more...
eye health

Explore Your Best Health This Saturday!

Only a few more days remain until the ‘Fit Collective Health Fair,’ at High Def Health this Saturday, February 2nd! Metro Eye’s optometrists are gearing up to educate attendees on optimal eye health, amidst a curated team of local health and wellness professionals! Metro Eye’s booth will also be offering retinal photography, as a complimentary service to attendees Read more...