Ocular Surface Disease Clinic - Dry Eye Care - Metro Eye

About the Clinic

The Ocular Surface Disease (OSD) Clinic is not merely a place located within Metro Eye’s facility, but a fully realized eye treatment experience that reaches far beyond the doctor’s chair to treat Chronic Dry Eye, Blepharitis and other ocular surface diseases which may be the cause of your discomfort. Metro Eye has developed this uniquely innovative clinic to most effectively assess the cause of your symptoms, while tailoring your care strategy around your individual lifestyle to ensure that relief is always accessible and enduring.

Chronic Dry Eye

You may be suffering from chronic dry eye and not even know it. Sometimes we just learn to live with certain eye issues, without ever learning that there’s a solution. Even though your symptoms may range from very mild to severe, receiving the proper care from our Ocular Surface Disease Clinic can substantially improve the way that you see, look and feel.


Personalized Care Strategy

Eye health is connected to the health of the whole person, and sometimes your eyes can be affected by diet, personal care products, environment or numerous other lifestyle elements. The OSD Clinic offers you the most complete eye care plan available through: the broadest scope of assessment, a completely personalized care strategy, combined application of the latest treatment technologies, and continual monitoring of your care’s progress.

OSD Clinic Patients

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OSD Clinic Questionnaire

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Available Treatments

  • Lipiflow
  • Low Level Light Therapy
  • Omega-3 Supplements
  • Heat Therapy- Bruder Mask
  • Lid Hygiene
  • Corrective Glasses
  • Prescription Eye Drops
  • Oral Medication
  • Environmental Adjustments

OSD Diagnostic Methods

Reach Out Today

If you are experiencing troubling eye symptoms, we encourage you to reach out to us as soon as possible and begin your treatment plan.

Our patients entrust us with their eye health and we take this trust very seriously. Great eye care can change your life, and that is truly why we are here for you and your family every day.

Call 414-727-5888 or contact us to schedule.