Understanding Women’s Eye Health

women eye

This week is Women’s Health Week! One very important aspect of women’s health is eye health. Women are more likely than men to have eye-related problems, making it even more important for women to stay on top of their eye care. Almost two-thirds of blindness and other visual problems occur in women worldwide.

Eye disease like glaucoma, cataracts, and age-related macular degeneration are more common for women. But it’s not all bad news! Most eye related problems can be treated when caught early – making a regular dilated eye exam critical to keeping your eye healthy for your lifetime.

Another piece of good news is that your eyes benefit from a lot of healthy behavior like exercise, eating right, and wearing proper eye protection.

Check out the infographics below about exercise and eating healthy – which will go along way in keeping your eyes in top shape!

Eat Healthy Infographic      Get Active Infographic

Are you due for a comprehensive eye exam? Schedule an appointment online today!