Is Your Vision Holding You Back From Making The Big Play?

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We’ve all witnessed our favorite baseball team with their backs against the wall. The count is full, there are 2 outs and to make matters worse it’s the bottom of the 9th. It’s do or die time. The pitch is thrown… The game all rides on one pitch. This isn’t the time where you want to worry about the batters vision being anything but perfect!

When it comes to playing sports the MVBP (Most Valuable Body Part) of every athlete are their eyes. Taking advantage of their peripheral vision in partnership with their line of sight, athletes are able to anticipate, plan, and quickly make decisions based on how the game is going. For many people with less than perfect vision sports can be a challenge.

Don’t wait until you find yourself facing the final pitch to realize that your vision is letting you down. Let the eye care professionals at Metro Eye give you the all-star eye care treatment. If you’d rather hit a homerun than striking out call (414) 727 5888 or visit us at 325 East Chicago Street, Milwaukee. For more information or to schedule an eye exam visit


Photo credit: phxwebguy / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND